...with which He loves. Sometimes I stand amazed and thankful for His blessings and unending grace which rescues me. And as occasion arises, I recognize these things. But I have become aware that this world and all of it's stresses and worries so easily seems to distract me from the memory and the utter owning of the knowledge that He passionately adores me. His blessings are not just occasional, nor inspired by whimsy. They are purposed and intended due to the fact that on a constant, He is ever so close; always watching over me with a beautiful and unconditional version of the love of which I think I am waiting for. It's that deep closeness that I sometimes seem to lose sight of. He is my gentle father and very best friend and yet so very much more! I... we... must never forget this.
Just when I needed it most, I got an email, with this song as a link (pasted below). As you all know, music is my love-language. It cuts straight to my heart like nothing else can. Please listen with your heart and enjoy, knowing that God loves you deeply...