I am in one of life's "in between" periods. You know, those stages in life where you've experienced a complete change... maybe a move, employment, relationship, major life event... some sort of shake up in your life as you knew it. And now you're stumped with what to do or even how to BE in the in between. It's a tough place, for most. And I'm right there with you.
I know what is behind me. I know what I'm wanting and striving for ahead of me, but right now, in this very moment, I'm a little disoriented. What I mean by that is we always know what we want and need (most of us), and I think all of us know where we have been. But knowing the NOW... that's where it gets challenging. Are we in regret mode? Learning mode? Are we happy here? Are we growing, or just existing, waiting for life to lead us to the next path?
Epiphany: The "in between" period is an excellent time to reevaluate. Reassess. Tweak things a bit. Change what doesn't work, thoughtfully, and plan out a new coarse. If it feels empty in this stage, it's because you aren't using it wisely.
I plan to use this time as a gift... a place where I chart out a plan of healing and growth. A time to forgive myself. Love myself. Richly grow. And then, tackle my future with a more healthy love than I'd have had if I hadn't acknowledged that the in between period is actually such a positive.
If you're in the in between place, too, take heart. You aren't alone. The future has great big things for us.
That's all. For now. Embrace right where you are. Every single moment is a chance for progress.