Monday, April 18, 2005

The Journey Towards Liberation

Many people ask me why I like butterflies... it is simple: the butterfly is the epitomy of freedom. To me, a butterfly is beautiful, peaceful, fragile, strong, gentle, tranquil, independent, whimsical and driven. Some of these characteristics are goals which I aspire to, and some are qualities I already possess. Like the butterfly, I came from a lowly state. I, too, was a worm. Still am, some days. But I was created with a beautiful future in store. I was born to fly. Thus begins my journey towards liberation.

My spirituality is the one and only aspect of my life in which I do truly feel liberated. I have freedom through Christ Jesus, and His gift of Love through His death on the cross. This gift I humbly accept, knowing I do not deserve it. Knowing I can never repay it. But knowing I was born to live free because of Him.

My goal in life is to give love. I want so badly to share God's love and peace with people. I have been called to do it. So if you were to ask me what is the meaning of life, I would have to tell you it is LOVE. Love the Lord your God with all your heart and mind and strength; and love your neighbor as yourself. If I genuinely live those priniciples, everything else falls into place. And even through times of extreme adversity, I have focus and a deep peace. I really want that for everyone.

I have to admit, I really don't feel like I am free from the cacoon most days. I have so much room yet to grow. Sometimes I still find myself feeling defeated, and wallow in self-pity and regret. But God is teaching me through enlightenment about painful experiences and un-wise choices in my past, and through His continual grace and mercy and the gift of His Holy Spirit, that He is not finished with me. He never gives up on me, no matter how long the growing process seems to take with me. I can be sooo thick. I can be sooo self-centered. I can be such a dirt crawler some days. But for some strange reason, He thinks I am worth his love and patience. He feels the same way about you! Isn't it amazing to have just one person who believes in you so very much?! It is so inspiring. It makes me want to be alive. It makes me want to learn. It makes me actually thankful for the hard times, as they always seem to bring about such positive growth, in the long run. God says ALL things work together for the good of those who love Him, and are called according to His purpose. Well, I know I love Him. And I know I am called (we all are) to serve Him.... therefore, every crappy thing I go through; all the pain and heartache and rebellion and anguish - all these things turn into something beautiful in the end.

All the things that have hurt me in my past - the things that happened, which God had no part of; ALL those things have turned into something positive. It is amazing. Every time, without fail. Ask me, and I will give you examples of this kind of miracle in my personal life. Jesus is in the miracle business, and He performs them every day. All we have to do is look around with eyes open, and we will see them. I have lived them. To choose to see the positive beyond the pain is a miracle in and of itself. I am here to tell you that joy is a choice. Peace is a choice. Freedom is a choice. I choose to learn from the trials, and let the lesson help others too. Adversity can make us bitter, or better. It is our choice.

And I choose to be a butterfly.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

You made it :)

Well done.
Impressive first post btw.

Keep it up.
