Tuesday, March 06, 2012

Why Facebook Annoys Me...

You know what annoys me sometimes? Facebook!

I’ve been called a Facebookaholic more than once. I’m a very social person, so a social networking site is right up my alley. I sincerely enjoy certain things about Facebook, like the ability to be involved in the day to day life of my family and friends who live far away, and those whom I would not have the opportunity to communicate with as frequently, otherwise. I love seeing pictures of people who are dear to me, hearing about their big life events, their funny little quips and that feeling of being connected to them.

I will admit, however, that I dislike certain things about Facebook. Like those status updates by those on my friend’s list who feel the need to make every single thing they post be about God. Don’t get me wrong, I think Facebook can be a wonderful vessel for sharing one’s faith, and a means to witness, so to speak. But those constant status updates about being a Christian and a true Believer and about God this and Jesus that... well, they come off as sounding like the poster quite possibly has something to prove. You forget, many of those on your friend’s list have seen you in day to day life, and know that you are not quite as holy as you are making yourself out to be. Have you ever heard the saying “thou protesteth too much”? Why do you feel compelled to make each and every post a “God post”? It’s okay to be human and real, you know. It’s okay to let other people know you are human and real. Even the disciples were honest in their writings about their humanity, and many people were humbled by their authenticity and were led to believe by those who were less than perfect, like the Apostle Paul. God doesn’t expect you to only speak if you are speaking of Him, so why would you think He expects you to only post something on Facebook if it is about Him? And also, just so you know, it’s not a sin to crack a joke every now and then. Lighten up! You will not go to Hell just because you post something that does not relate to your religious beliefs, I promise. God does not log onto Facebook every half hour to determine who is or isn’t going to be added to the Book of Life, based on their status update. I’m pretty sure He knows your heart, so your constant preachy posts do not influence him. They don’t influence those on your friend’s list the way that you would hope, either. Those posts come across as having a holier-than-thou tone, and make your readers believe that in your own eyes, you are Super Saint. So please, jump down off of that soap box. It’ll make you (and me) feel better.

Another Facebook annoyance is the ever so constant post about the world’s political goings on. I don’t mind at all if you post about your political views on occasion. But, I have those on my friend’s list who don’t just make a sporadic political post... it’s a several times a day thing! I know this is a free country, and you can post whatever you so choose, but did you ever consider that it has gotten to be so banal and consistently blabberish and whiny, that your posts are now just skimmed past and/or not even read? What’s the point of posting all this stuff, if it’s not even read? Is Facebook some sort of political platform for you? Do you plan to use it as an avenue to getting elected as President? (LOL... actually that wouldn’t really be so far-fetched, because that’s kind-of what Obama did. But anyway, I digress.) My point is, the perpetual spewing of your political opinion gets extremely old. If it’s super important and occasional, then by all means, politically post away! But if you want to let all of us know how wrong it is that people wear coats made of animal fur... for the sixth time today... please re-think that post. No one’s going to read it anyway. Just sayin’. I found this quote, by a wise, anonymous writer: "Politics is the art of looking for trouble, finding it everywhere, diagnosing it incorrectly, and applying the wrong remedies." I like that. Pretty accurate, I’d say. And as far as I am concerned, I’d be happier not to have to read all that nonsense on my social network home page. ...And yes, I am aware that the fur coat thing was a pretty bizarre example. But it was a “names have been changed to protect the innocent” kind of thing. You know what I mean.

You may be thinking, in the event that either one of the above paragraphical rants applies to you, “Instead of complaining about the types of posts you don’t like, why don’t you just block them?" My answer is simple, and I guarantee I am in the majority as far as those who put up with this type of posting on Facebook. Every single person on my friends list is someone who is important to me... I am not one of those people who accepts friend invites from random strangers, therefore, I most likely will neither be deleting, nor blocking you. Those whom I have deleted in the past,were only those who I was barely acquainted with, and whom I never conversed with. My page is reserved for actual friends and family. Considering that fact, I fear I may just be doomed to suffer through posts of this nature.

Nonetheless, I am indescribably annoyed by the “look at me, I’m a phenomenal Christian with all the right answers!” posts and the “I know everything about the state of the world’s affairs and am the end-all-be-all on today’s political definitude!" posts. Maybe I just woke up on the wrong side of the bed, but right now I am so irritated by this kind of nonsense, that if these posts do not decrease in frequency, I have half a mind to not check my Facebook page... for at least the next hour! Boom!!!!


Raquel said...

I love you!! Seriously I know we share the same blood...I love real!

Monica said...

Thanks Raquel! Real is the only way to be! Love you.