Saturday, July 26, 2008

"How to Love"

There is no try, only do or die.
And if we don’t, we will.
It is not enough to acknowledge love,
Yet remain unmoved and still.
It takes nurturing and a gentle touch,
And a heart that deeply knows.
It takes more than time, one must cultivate,
Or the seed will never grow.
If this is divine, and I’ve seen the signs,
We’ve responsibilities
To each other now, and I know somehow,
That you don’t completely see.
We must cherish, love, protect and trust,
And be open, raw and real.
For if we are not, this is all for naught,
And the road will be uphill.
It cannot be forced, nor be wearisome.
It’s the heart that drives the will.
I don’t know if you’ll ever truly feel
I could ever make you whole.
It is deep desire and an unquenched fire
That will only own my soul.
I am meant for one. One is meant for me,
And to that end I will act
Each and every day in a selfless way
For our love is more than fact,
It is sanctified. I feel overwhelmed
By the possibility
That I finally “get” how to love perfect,
But may find you won’t love me.

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