Tuesday, September 09, 2008

"What Ifs"

"What Ifs"

I want to build a life with you,
A life that's strong and sound,
But all this lonely wanting only
Spins us round and round.
The "If" I will and "when" I will
And "Can I" and "I will" 's
Just make this fated journey
Only all the more uphill.
There's far greater than meets the eye
Or ear or touch or all
That could detour from passion
And the caution makes us stall.
I want to taste and touch and know
All that I feel within,
But fear ignites the urge to run
And deem this all a sin.
But what if once love could be true
And more real than my fears?
Then wouldn't it be worth the risk
To blot out all these years
That I have wasted on "what ifs"
And at last finally know
That I am meant for one and one is
Meant to true love show?

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