Monday, July 24, 2006


There are certain things

That cannot be explained

Like true forgiveness

And unconditional love

There are certain things

That cannot be acquired

Like true forgiveness

And unconditional love

But when they are offered

Of a willing heart

There are certain things

That cannot be denied

And logic can tell you

It does not make sense

But when they are present

They cannot be denied

I knew when I met you

The road would be rough

I knew when I saw you

That you were more tough

Than all of the walls

I pretended to build

When deep down I knew

My heart felt fulfilled

Your friendship has shown me

That I’m not alone

The love that you offer

Makes my heart feel home

And though there are times that

The trials seem so great

They cannot compare to

The love that we make

It’s nothing we’ve tried to

Create or imply

It’s simply just something

That we can’t deny

And so I am grateful

In spite of the walls

They do not define us

They don’t let us fall

But somehow deep down

We both know that it’s true

You do love me

And I do love you

Though we can’t explain it

This love is engrained

Upon both our hearts

Both through sunshine and rain

And I will not fight it

I have made my choice

Though I can’t define it

I do have a voice

And so I am screaming

With all of my might

I love you and I will

Not stop ‘til I die.

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