What does one do when they have all the internal tools for change, but zero hope? The Logical answer would be that it does not matter how you feel, if you have the psychological tools. But that logical answer discounts the fact that feelings DO matter. Feelings matter a great deal. Feelings affect everything. And without hope, there isn't much spark to the fuse to action.
There are a lot of things in this world that take away our hope. We see them on a daily basis. From the news, to daily life, to how we see people completely disregard other people so easily, and seemingly without conscience. In these daily instances and interactions, our hope is diminished. This, consequently, diminishes our will to act.
So, what if we DO have the tools, but we do not have the will or the emotional strength required to use them? I believe that this is one of the number one tools the enemy uses to cause us to be numb and complacent and defeated. He loves to take away our hope and see us fail.
In my personal life, there are things that have completely depleted my sense of ability to possess hope. I have lost nearly everything this past year, and I'm still facing some giant obstacles and trials ahead. In my human weakness, I really don't see a lot of hope. But then I have to ask myself, what is hope, and where does it come from?
The spiritual definition of Hope is: the trusting expectation that God will keep His word. If I believe in God, and I believe that His word is true, then I must believe that there is hope!
Belief is a choice, therefore, Hope is a choice. This is a statement that I do not make easily. I am a very emotional person. What I feel impacts my life on a very deep level. It is hard for me to make choices in spite of feelings. But this is something that God is showing me that I need to truly work on in order to have the best quality of life. I need to acknowledge that hope is a choice, that hope is a gift, and that hope is always there for me, as long as I choose to reach out and grab it.
Nothing in this world has ever been accomplished without hope. Hold on to it. And if you don't have it, choose it. Your life will transform. I truly believe this with all of my heart, and will be reporting back to you on my own results.
When nothing seems to be going your way, and when you feel that you are up against the mightiest mountain, hold on and press forward!!!! Hold on to Hope. If you have nothing to begin with, then you have nothing to lose. Hope will get us through to the Finish Line.
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