Sunday, June 12, 2005

All That Means Anything

This evening, I was outside looking at the beautiful dusk sky. I felt the light, summer breeze touch my hair, and listened to it rustling the tall trees that kiss the sky. I noticed a few stars, and a crescent moon that were just beginning to decorate the early night. I inhaled deeply, and suddenly a feeling of peace washed over me. All of a sudden, I realized my brow had been creased, and my shoulders had been so tense before that moment. I realized I had been allowing myself to stress about things that were beyond my control. Little things, that don't REALLY matter. So I let them slip from my mind. And then a song I wrote a while back came into my mind, and I begin to sing it's words over and over (not out loud, or the neighbors would have thought I was nutso). It is my new mantra, as I embark on this new journey. I admit that I am scared about the future. But God is in control, because I let Him be. Besides, it's really not about me, anyway. It's all about Him. I am going to consciously choose to let go of everything else, and focus on all that means anything.

"All That Means Anything"

When I stop to think about what really matters
I realize it’s all about You.
There are so many earthly things You’ve granted
But all that means anything is You.
I spend so much of my time wasted
On the things that mean nothing at all.
So I look to You right now for some Truth,
‘Cause all that means anything is You.

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