Sunday, May 29, 2005


I try to be bigger than who I am,
And wind up looking down on my small self.
I cannot grow beyond my limitations
Without that growth being divinely appointed.
I can push and yearn and strive and force,
But one can only stretch so far before breaking;
Unless there is help of a supernatural nature.
I know that God wants me to grow,
But the ways in which He wishes me to expand
Are frequently so vastly differing
From the development I seem to seek.
Jesus knows me best.
I don’t know myself at all.
And I don’t love myself like He loves me,
Nor half as much.
So I will let go of my selfish wants.
I will submit and be lowly and frail.
I will watch His strength be manifest
Best in my weakness.
Light is only visible where
There is darkness to penetrate.
God, illuminate me.
Cultivate me,
And I will grow.

1 comment:

Billy Delawder said...

Moni, your Writings are so beautiful and inspirational, keep them up!