Friday, December 29, 2006
"Again the Fool"
Drowning in an empty pool
Choking on a promise made
Burning in the bed I laid.
Fallen down again it seems
Broken heart and broken dreams
I've come to expect this fate
Love has always made me wait.
Sometimes I think it's my fault
For never feeling loved at all
If I was more lovable
Love would never let me go.
But wallowing in self pity
Defeats the quest for serenity
No one can make me happy
Joy is a choice. It's up to me
And so these dreams I'll let go of
And drop the pursuit of true love
And Look upon the brighter side
And choose to grow and not to hide
I will lift my head up high
I will not let myself cry
I am tired of all the tears
I think that I'll be numb for years
Wednesday, December 27, 2006
It’s hard to sleep when all I do is think
About the things I can’t predict,
I can’t control or understand or see.
I cannot even call and vent.
It’s hard to sleep when you’re so far away.
I know you say it isn’t so,
But I feel deeper into you than you
Might want to admit that you know.
And all I see each time I close my eyes
Is how you look away from mine.
My heart is reaching out again for you.
Your heart is just as cold as ice.
And sometimes you will admit to these truths,
And tell me that’s just how it is.
You will protect your heart at any cost,
But where do I factor in this?
I feel like I mean nothing to you, love,
Nothing more than the hole I fill:
A warm body and an accepting heart.
The problem, though, is that I feel.
If I could just shut off this loneliness,
I think that I could maybe sleep.
If I could settle for an empty wish,
The hurt would not reach down so deep.
But somehow I know the potential here.
The walls that you erect are strong,
But I’ve seen through them to a far off land;
A place I thought that I belonged.
You swore to me almost a year ago
That you would never let me in.
I never believed that you meant it so.
I never thought the past would win.
This year has had its’ share of bitter rain.
We both have slipped and fallen down.
We’ve weather storms. We’ve moved beyond the pain.
I hate to see us drowning now.
Do you think sometimes there just comes a time
That though you fight to make a spark,
You can’t ignite a fire that isn’t there?
Please, was it ever in your heart?
Or did you take a chance on me and hope
That one day you would find yourself
Feeling the way for me I felt for you.
I don’t think that you ever fell.
True love is not something you fall into.
It either is, or it’s not love.
I wonder if you lie awake like me.
I wonder what you’re dreaming of.
Tuesday, December 12, 2006
Can't Sleep......
I am tired of bad dreams.
I am tired of bad days.
Tired of silent screams.
I am ready for peace
And a life full of love;
A heart full of joy
Is all I dream of.
Just what is happening
And where did it go;
The sense of contentment
That I used to know?
I must have done something
To send it away,
And send myself back to
A life that I hate.
Well I am determined
To not lose myself
To all of this darkness;
My own private hell.
The only one who can
Bring me back is You.
I pray you'll bring joy back;
Grant me gratitude.
Please, remove the fear
That stunts my heart's growth.
Please, pull me so near
And cause me to know
That all of my questions,
All my needs and dreams
Are already answered
Because You love me.
I'm sorry that I've strayed
And let go of You....
I know now that's why I
Have slipped away too.
But I am back.... please forgive me. I love you, Jesus.
Tuesday, September 05, 2006
Thursday, August 31, 2006
The world is closing in on me.
I need to get away.
I need to find a place to rest,
A place where I can lay
Every worry and fear down;
Where solace, like the sun
Warms my cool and calloused heart,
And Peace heals tired bones.
I need to find a place to lay
All day beneath clear skies
With not a care to think about,
And no tears in my eyes.
I wish I had someone to be
There with me, who would go
And rest with me in my reprieve,
And hold me very close.
I want to be deeply in love,
And hideaway with him.
I want to be away from life
And start over again.
I want to find a tropical
Island somewhere untouched,
And take my lover there with me
To bask in love and sun.
I think if only dreams came true,
Life wouldn’t feel so tough,
And I could maybe come back to
This place I hate so much;
Because I’d know I’m not alone,
And I would feel refreshed.
But right now, I don’t feel these things.
I feel nothing but stress.
Yes, I know that these are dreams.
I know that I’m alone.
And I know I shouldn’t fear
The future; the unknown.
And Lord, I know I should be grateful
For this life I have
I truly am, but at this moment
I am feeling sad
For all the things that I’ve messed up
And all the things I can’t
Fix and make hurts go away.
I feel so bad for that.
I guess that I’m not strong enough
To make the broken new.
I guess that I’m not tough enough
To savor solitude.
And so I want to run away,
If only for a day
And be alive and be in love
In my dream hideaway.
Tuesday, August 22, 2006
"Enemy Mine"
Enemy mine,
You drive me crazy.
You cause me such deep agony.
Enemy mine,
You fuck it all up,
And make my heart’s dreams history.
You are my foe.
It’s you I loathe.
Much more than these words could express.
I wish you would leave
Me left here to bleed,
But you won’t stop until my death.
I want to run,
But you follow me.
These pictures and memories ache.
Leave me alone
In my agony.
Why is your goal my heart to break?
I’m good at fighting,
A master of walls,
And you can’t outsmart me this time.
I see past your lies.
I see in your eyes
That all of your fears do match mine.
You are going down.
I will take control,
And someday I will soon be free.
Enemy mine,
Your time now has come,
For I’ve seen your face... You are ME.
I’ve fought so hard for love.
I’ve held on much too long.
I’ve sacrificed my pride,
Just to prove you wrong.
You said that you don’t feel it,
That I was seeing things;
Phantom fantasies of
Love only in my dreams.
My heart aches from rejection,
And after all this time
I look back on the reasons
I longed to make you mine.
I see that they were based on
A one-sided romance.
And now I am so weary,
And much to tired to dance.
I think that I will bow out.
Is it too late for grace?
Pride is not an option.
There’s no way to save face.
I cannot change the past now,
Nor all the ways I’ve failed.
All that I can do here
Is anchor-up and sail.
Away into the unknown
Where love does not exist,
For love has always failed me,
And apathy is bliss.
Tuesday, August 15, 2006
I’m standing on the edge of it;
This shaky precipice of change.
And if I get to close to it,
This wind just might carry me away.
But I have wings,
And the unknown
Is nowhere new to me.
Should I let go?
…Or will I fall?
I like the thought of soaring off
Into the realm of the unknown.
I like the thought of taking flight;
Seeking out a place to call home.
But I have chains.
They seem so strong,
But risking loss somehow
Does not feel wrong.
… I want to fly.
I’m scared to utter words like this,
But deep inside, I feel that peace
Welling up and filling me.
Falling will be such release.
Control is not
All that I thought,
And I am ready now
To finally fall.
… For I have wings.
I can’t predict the outcome of
The risk I think I want to take.
Letting go brings such relief.
Letting go brings such heartache.
But if I don’t,
I’ll stand here, chained
To all the love
I’ve felt in vain.
And so I’ll jump,
And trust these wings will carry me
… Beyond.
Tuesday, August 08, 2006
The quiet I yearned for
Has become
I don’t want to hear
What you have to say.
I don’t want to hear
My heartbeat.
I plug my ears
And close my eyes;
But the voices,
The images,
The memories,
Do not fade.
I don’t want to feel,
But I wish I were not
So numb.
I want care
Without hurting,
But my heart only knows
All or nothing.
And I cannot wonder
So it’s off.
Passion dissipates
And fades to gray.
I wish I could dream
In color, again.
I wish I could scream
Or cry
Or smile,
But this night’s silence
Saturday, August 05, 2006
Some of the deepest prayers are the ones you sing...
I just wrote this song a minute ago - music and all! It's very exciting. It's the first song-song I have written in months. I've been just writing poetry for a while. But I was playing my keyboard this afternoon, and suddenly felt the Holy Spirit come upon me, and this prayer came out. It may be simple, but I wasn't thinking in terms of eloquence as I was singing it.... it's just my heart, raw. It's something I felt I should share.
"Song of Repentance"
You are my God and
I am your daughter,
But you would never know.
I keep on breakin’
Your heart and takin’
For granted how You show
Me unconditional
Love, Because I can’t
Seem to fathom this task.
How could you love me?
How could You give me
So much more than I ask?
And all I do is take……
Somewhere in between
Who I used to be
And who I am becoming
Is the girl you see.
I’m not much, but I’m me.
All I’ve got’s this song I sing,
But if You will hold me
And not let go of me,
I know I will do You proud.
God, just keep teachin',
And I will keep reachin'.
This is what my life’s about.
I just wanna give….
God won’t you take this
Song of repentance,
And make my heart clean and new?
I am done runnin’.
Please won’t you come in.
I surrender it all to You.
You are my God and
I am your daughter,
And I could not be more proud
To be called Your own
I can’t wait to come home,
But til’ then I’ll sing out loud,
“I love you!”
Monday, July 31, 2006
"Seven Months"
Time’s gone by,
And still we’re here;
Best friends like always, Love.
One thing I know:
You’re nothing but
A gift from God above.
And every day
I thank him for
The friend I’ve found in you.
You are different from the rest.
You are a dream come true.
And through hard times
We still can say
One thing that has not changed:
We are best friends,
We still have love,
And these two will remain.
Sunday, July 30, 2006
Kutless - "Winds of Change"
By Kutless
Can you feel the pains in life?
Wrapped around you like they're chains
Restricting all your dreams
Do you wonder if there is a way?
A way to set you free
Set you free
So tell me all your dreams
Tell me all your fears and what you're longing for the most
It's not another way
That'll end up the same for it's under my control
Do you feel the winds of change?
Soon this weight will fall away
And take you to a place
Only found through these winds of change
A breeze that's new and free
New and free
So tell me all your dreams
Tell me all your fears and what you're longing for the most
It's not another way
That'll end up the same for it's under my control
I'll be the one who you can cry to
The one who will give you wings
I will give you wings
Someday we'll sail away
Mounted up on wings like eagles
We will run and will not fade away
So tell me all your dreams
Tell me all your fears and what you're longing for the most
It's not another way
That'll end up the same for it's under my control
I'll be the one who you can cry to
The one who will give you wings
I will give you wings
I will give you wings
To set you free
The one who will give you wings
Saturday, July 29, 2006
Because I could see to your heart
I saw all the walls that would not go away
I saw how they ripped me apart
I hoped beyond hope that I could tear them down
Exposing what you would not feel
We were always together each night in my dreams
I prayed that the dreams would be real
But when I awoke, Reality crushed
My poor pathetic facade
And showed me that we have let each other down
By not just embracing this love
I wanted it so. I tried very hard
But always I felt so alone
And so I let go, so you could move on
And maybe our hearts could find home.
If not in each other, then I don't know where
I can't even think like that now
All that I know, is I foresaw this day
Now I wish I could end it somehow.
And go back in time, and take back the things
We never intended to say
And choose to be real and choose to just trust
And choose to let walls fall away
But what's done is done. We must look ahead.
I know that we'll always be friends.
This unexplained love will not fade with time
For love always wins in the end.
Friday, July 28, 2006
I know I said I loved you.
I still can say it’s true,
But I can also say that
I am not meant for you.
You and I are different
In the ways of love,
And so I bid you farewell,
And thank our God above
For giving me the chance to
Learn and love and grow,
And I am sure you’ll move on.
It won’t take long, I know.
You, my friend, are special,
And I will always be
One who truly cares so;
Much more than you could see.
So if you need me call me,
And you know I’ll be there.
I’m so glad we are friends.
Please always know I care.
"That Which Will End"
We spend so much time
Running from life…
Finding ways to escape it;
When all we really should be doing
Is living it.
Embracing it.
How can one become aware
Of this agonizing reality,
And yet be unable
To evade it?
How can one find a way
To want to be alive…
I never see the road ahead,
Nor any of us;
And yet we run
With reckless adandon
Into the unknown:
Inevitable loss.
Why does love become
The pursuit of all we are?
Why does passion consume
And change us so?
So I drown myself
In things which distract
And numb the ache of life.
And I tell myself
It is possible
To live without love,
And be truly alive.
And I inhale deeply
A brave sort of breath,
And I know that I’ll be
Just fine.
Then the phone rings,
And all at once
All of my courage
Is flushed from my heart,
And replaced by a love
Which devours.
And all of my dreams,
And all my desire
And hope become
Only love.
And life becomes,
Once again,
The painful pursuit
Of that which will
Tuesday, July 25, 2006
A prayer/song
....life seems to go in cycles. I wrote this song almost exactly 6 years ago. It came to my mind as I was praying this morning. It seems to fit where I am at again.
"All That I Hold Dear"
Wisdom, pain and pride accompanied by
Insecurity and double-eyes.
These are qualities that compile my life;
This is who I am and why I cry.
Yesterday is gone; I can’t erase it.
Bad decisions plague my little life.
All I want to do is make decisions
That fill me with respect and You with pride.
So make me into somebody bigger
Than who I see in this fun-house mirror.
Take me and all that is within me,
And make me make You all that I hold dear.
Self-esteem and wisdom tempered by
Kindness, patience and gentle, humble eyes;
A heart that seeks to serve and not to get praise,
This is what I’m seeking in my life.
And so I pray for more of You inside me.
So I scream and yearn to know Your peace.
Every day will be a growing, learning
Experience of becoming less like me.
Make me into somebody bigger
Than who I see in this fun-house mirror.
Take me and all this is within me,
And make me make You all that I hold dear.
Jesus, you are all that I hold dear.
Monday, July 24, 2006
There are certain things
That cannot be explained
Like true forgiveness
And unconditional love
There are certain things
That cannot be acquired
Like true forgiveness
And unconditional love
But when they are offered
Of a willing heart
There are certain things
That cannot be denied
And logic can tell you
It does not make sense
But when they are present
They cannot be denied
I knew when I met you
The road would be rough
I knew when I saw you
That you were more tough
Than all of the walls
I pretended to build
When deep down I knew
My heart felt fulfilled
Your friendship has shown me
That I’m not alone
The love that you offer
Makes my heart feel home
And though there are times that
The trials seem so great
They cannot compare to
The love that we make
It’s nothing we’ve tried to
Create or imply
It’s simply just something
That we can’t deny
And so I am grateful
In spite of the walls
They do not define us
They don’t let us fall
But somehow deep down
We both know that it’s true
You do love me
And I do love you
Though we can’t explain it
This love is engrained
Upon both our hearts
Both through sunshine and rain
And I will not fight it
I have made my choice
Though I can’t define it
I do have a voice
And so I am screaming
With all of my might
I love you and I will
Not stop ‘til I die.
Monday, July 17, 2006
"What Do You Feel?"
What do you feel
When you think of me?
Do you ever look at me and see forever?
What do you dream
When you drift to sleep?
Do you dream happy dreams of me ever?
What fuels your fire
On days missing that spark?
Do you picture my face and smile?
Do you ever start humming
Songs you don’t mean to
And find yourself lost for a while?
Do you ever drift off
Lost in your thoughts
And realize you are just missing me?
Do love songs invade
That space in your heart
And you find yourself starting to sing?
Do you wonder sometimes
Why you don’t just say
The things on the tip of your tongue?
What do you feel
When you think of me?
Do you feel complete or undone?
Sunday, July 16, 2006
I look at you
And see the things
I used to run hard from
I look at you
And dream the dreams
That leave my heart undone
And in your eyes
I see the key
That causes chains to fall
And softness dawns
Upon my heart
And melts these tired walls
When you touch me
The doubting fades
I find myself transformed
From one who hid
And one who feared
I won’t run anymore
I am falling
Into this
And I am happy to
Look at you
And know you see
That I’m in love with you.
Sometimes I still
Find myself here
Thinking of what ifs
But destiny
Is urging me
To throw myself into this
So everything
I have to give
I’m going to give to you
Because, my love,
You’re teaching me
That fantasies can come true.
Wednesday, July 12, 2006
A Melancholy Reverie
A child
Remembers things
In distorted perceptions,
With naive scrutiny;
Oft’ in exaggerated hues
And abstract shapes.
Reality is ceaselessly muddled
By grow-up eyes.
I perceive things now
Not like I did back then,
When I thought my speculations
To be solid expectations;
However, my tomorrow
Has proven to be unfamiliar,
Cruelly misshapen,
And foreign to my
Juvenile perspective.
I yearn to find
That vantage point
I once possessed.
I wish to close my eyes
And be back there again;
To reminisce…
To hope. To crave. To aspire.
But vague dreams haunt
My factual existence,
And I awake from this reverie
And become despondently aware
That I have not.
Wednesday, July 05, 2006
Humble Thoughts
Sometimes the best offense is the absence of defense. Sometimes the only way to win is to accept that you may lose. A wise warrior knows there is a time and place for peace, and he stands down. Sometimes the best way to communicate is to be silent. Sometimes God speaks to us when we are not listening so hard for His voice.
please go away
And leave me here to cry
the numb away
Let the loss flood my eyes
Of who I am
And who I fight to be
I need is to
Let go and to be me.
I need you now
I can’t fight anymore
Is what I need
Please tow me to the shore
Is only what
I’ve made it out to be
My hardened heart
And set my spirit free
I’m letting go
And welcoming the risk
Is what I choose
I will not run from this
It suddenly
Washed over me just now
Has left my heart
I’ll be okay, somehow
TimeCan heal so much
Although it's hard to see
Is often what
Will bring humility
Is not my battle
Armor’s on the ground
I see so clear,
It’s pride that I’ve laid down
Saturday, July 01, 2006
Things I love about you...
You take risks
You don’t let your fears win
You feel deeply
You are aware
You are strong
You find humor in small things
You smile easily
You laugh freely
You aren’t afraid to cry
You are passionate
You are intuitive
You dream big
You accept life as it comes
You listen
You are a wonderful father
You know how to be a friend
You love the Lord
You are playful
You are deep
You have the best lips ever
Your eyes tell secrets
Your heart is soft, deep down
You are creative
You are independent
You allow yourself to need me
You are strong-willed
You know how to be patient
You are super-intelligent
You are confident
You inspire me
Friday, June 23, 2006
"I Choose You"
I choose you
You choose me
We choose love
And we are free
I’m not afraid.
I’m not alone.
I do feel like
My heart is home.
And though some trials
May come our way,
We’ll endure night
And find the day.
Holding hands,
We are a team.
This kind of love
Seems like a dream.
But I have faith
In things unknown.
I choose to stay.
I will not go.
I want you, Love.
I need you, too.
I’ll push past fear
And trust in you.
And in my heart,
I know we’ll last.
I choose the future
Despite the past.
When we’re apart,
I miss you, hun.
You’re in my thoughts
Night and day long.
My heart is yours.
I love you so
You’ve chosen me,
I choose you, Joe.
Decisions often make themselves,
Although we try to fight.
We make our minds up stubbornly,
And force ourselves to try
To let go or to hang on
Or to control our fate.
But Someone else has bigger plans.
All we can do is wait.
Sure, we can get in the way
And choose to ignore signs,
But in the end, all will be known,
And we will see the light.
And so I choose to let Him lead
And not to force my will.
He’s far better at being God
Than me, so I’ll be still.
Sometimes I don’t understand
Why He allows the pain
Until the wound has healed and I
Feel sunshine after rain.
The growing process isn’t fun.
The end result is worth
All the times I humbly chose
To put His power first.
I could choose the easy route.
Instead, I choose to wait
Upon the Lord, who’s ultimately
In control of fate.
Saturday, June 17, 2006
I miss you,
Even though I see you every day.
I tell you.
There are so many love words left to say.
You call me,
And silently sometimes we simply feel.
You made me
Let you in and fall in love for real.
I pray, Love,
Eternity is what we’ve found this time.
I try hard
To let go of the past and start to climb.
I’ll let go
Of all the fears that cause reluctancy.
Please hold me.
Please shelter this, and don’t let go of me.
I love you
For all the reasons you think I should not.
I choose you.
You are the one I need. The one I want.
Is what we have to stand the test of time.
Is what I see when I look in your eyes.
Wednesday, June 14, 2006
Am I really everything you want?
Do you really know what you got into?
Do you really miss me when I'm gone?
All my fears come rushing to the surface
When you tell me things you don't mean to.
I always hear much more than you are saying.
Why am I so scared of losing you?
I hope I don't do the thing I'm known for...
Fall in love, then sabbotage it all,
Just to rush into the inevitable.
Why am I so petrified to fall?
Please hold me close through the trials.
When I pull away, please hold me here.
Something deep inside tells me you're strong enough
To love me and obliterate my fear.
Saturday, June 10, 2006
I’ve taken the plunge.
I’ve taken a risk.
And said, “Yes, I want to be yours.”
I’ve never felt quite
As frightened as this,
And never wanted anything more.
A long time ago
You came in my life,
And you stole this mistrusting heart.
But not until now
Did I look in your eyes
And see I had love from the start.
We were just friends
With walls up and fears.
I never thought I’d see the day
You’d pull me close
And gaze into me,
And choose to let fears melt away.
There was always friendship,
There was always love,
But not until now could I sing
Songs of commitment
And choosing to trust;
Songs of the joy your love brings.
So here’s to a new start
With us hand in hand
Walking down roads so unknown.
I am excited
To journey with you.
I feel like my heart has found ‘home’.
Friday, June 09, 2006
"This Love"
I loved you
With everything I was
I waited
For you to fall in love
When you fell and opened up
The thing that shocked me most
Was your heart was closed
That’s what you chose.
I loved you
I think I always will
But this road
Is only uphill
And you won’t climb with me, Love,
I’m on my own and I’m not strong enough
You didn’t take my hand
You didn’t believe in…
This love.
Hurt is all that holds me.
I choose now to release
You into the arms of
Your selfish sanctity.
My heart is not a toy,
So save your heartless games.
I don’t know how to play them,
For 'open' is my name.
I exercise my option
To shut the door on this.
Though you’ll, I’m sure, deny it,
It was more than a kiss.
All that you have done has
Represented whom
I do not want to love now.
You have painted you
In my mind as someone
Whom I could never trust.
Fuck rationalizations,
Love should supercede lust!
And all of your cold actions
Have shown your love to be
A fallible façade and
Now just a memory.
Thursday, June 08, 2006
"The Leaf"
I saw a fragile leaf
It lay on the ground, alone.
It was dry and brown and fragile.
I looked at it and did not see something dead…
I saw beauty,
I knew that it had once possessed life.
It had been through the cycle, and died.
I decided to hold it between my fingertips,
And gazed at it for a while,
Reminiscing of the feeling
Of being once alive.
I decided to burn it.
I held the stem and lit the tip of the leaf…
It did not burn easily,
As if there was a stubborn will within it
To remain.
It finally burned, all the way down to my fingertips.
I watched the ashes float away in the night breeze,
Carrying with them all memory of its existence.
The heat faded, and the smoke drifted,
And then there was nothing.
It was gone.
I reflected.
I equated the leaf to the heart.
It can go from being so full and alive,
New and fresh and growing,
To being withered by the weather
And forgotten by all.
Dry, ugly, and alone.
But once in a while,
Someone, somewhere, will see beauty,
Even in it’s dried up state,
And want to hold it.
But if that someone decides to burn it,
It is, at that point, too fragile to withstand the flame….
And it will wither
And be forever gone.
A heart can only take so much
Before it dies.Sunday, June 04, 2006
"Fallen Down"
Fallen down I know I’m bigger
Than the girl I used to be
Standing tall and feeling mighty.
I am valiant on my knees.
Vantage points seem to be changing.
Nothing feels the same at all
As imagined before climbing
Out of ruts that made me fall.
I can never let myself be
Who I was when I was me.
My goal is to blacken the dreams
That keep me from being free.
You are all I’m wanting these days.
Other things have faded out.
On my knees I’m so in love, Lord,
The kind of love this life’s about.
Deliverance is what I am seeking.
Other loves seem to distract
From the purpose I was destined
To fulfill. God, take me back
To the place I know I’m wanted;
To the place inside of me.
Where it’s only You and I, Lord.
That’s the Love that sets me free.
Praying now for closure and for
Inspiration to proceed.
I am broken but I’m joyful.
Maybe now You can use me.
Thursday, May 25, 2006
"You Would Rather Be Wrong"
I would’ve given you everything.
You, you gave me a song to sing.
But now, I am singing a different song,
Cuz’ you would rather be wrong.
You would rather be wrong.
Pieces of a battered heart
Are all I hold here in the dark.
Alone, but never broken.
You’ll regret the words you left unspoken.
You’ll regret those words.
Tomorrow is a memory
Of all the dreams I had for you and me.
The funny thing is I know you dreamed them too,
But your heart is all about you.
Your love is only for you.
Someday when your heart wakes up
You will want to call me up,
But I will have moved on,
Cuz’ you would rather be wrong.
You would rather be wrong,
And free.
You’re so free.
But free.
Tuesday, May 23, 2006
"You are a Gift"
You, I thought, were the one.
You, I thought, came along
To give me all that I needed.
I didn’t need what I thought.
You came to me unexpectedly.
You taught me how to be free
To learn to love myself and not to lean
On somebody else to make me me.
I am sorry for the way I took,
When you didn’t have much to give.
But still you stayed by me just like a friend,
So I’ll stand by you to the end.
Thank you for loving me.
Thank you giving me
A reason to trust, and so much to love.
You, my friend, are a gift from God above.
Sometimes I’d cry wondering
Why we couldn’t be more than friends.
Answers come in time. Sometimes they
Aren’t the ones for which we pray.
God knows what’s best when I don’t
I’m beginning to trust His will.
I am letting go, but not of you,
Only of the love we weren’t meant to… feel.
Thank you for loving me.
Thank you giving me
A reason to trust, and so much to love.
You, my friend, are a gift from God above.
I know I have made this disclaimer before.... the songs don't have good meter because they are not poetry.... they are written set to music, and actually do flow rhythmically.... it just doesn't seem that way when you READ them.
Ummm...... I was really thinking about not posting this one. There are so many I don't post (and so many I wish I didn't post) because they are TOO raw or open or humbling or make me feel vulnerable... blah blah blah. But then I realized... maybe there are other people out there going through the same things..... having the same questions and feelings. And maybe something God has revealed to me through a song might be of enlightenment to someone who stumbles upon my blog. Most of what I write is for self-therapy and a personal outlet. But hey, maybe it can inspire someone or challenge them. If my fumbling attempts at expressing my emotion through writing make someone FEEL, they're worth sharing. I will make myself vulnerable and reveal my deeper emotions every time, if can potentially be a help to someone else.
Friday, May 19, 2006
"Father of Lies"
Verse 1:
You lie to me
You drag me down
You tell me I’m not good enough
You’re everything
I hate about myself
I cannot hide
The fact that I
Fall into your trap sometimes
But now the Light
Exposes you so well
Greater is He
Who is in me
Than you, father of lies!
I won’t be deceived
And I will not fear
For I know the Way, Truth and Life..
And I believe.
Verse 2:
I’m on my way
Away from all
These chains that bind me down
I’m feeling hopeful
Feeling strong
And you cannot turn me around
Greater is He
Who is in me
Than you, father of lies!
I won’t be deceived
And I will not fear
For I know the Way, Truth and Life..
And I believe.